Todhill Farm Training Home transfers to Richmond Fellowship Scotland

Monday 3 November 2014

We are pleased to announce that Todhill Farm Training Home have transferred their activities over to The Richmond Fellowship Scotland as of 31st October 2014.

The Board of Directors at Todhill were looking to become part of a larger social care voluntary sector organisation as a way of ensuring that their purpose to deliver good quality services could be sustained over the longer term. The Board of Directors at Todhill selected The Richmond Fellowship Scotland as the best partner to realise this ambition.

Todhill Farm Training Home provide accommodation, care and support, respite and day services for people with a learning disability within their site at Dubbs Road, Stevenston, North Ayrshire.

Austen Smyth, CEO, commented “We are pleased to welcome the people supported, the staff and the management team into The Richmond Fellowship Scotland. As an organisation we have learnt a lot about the benefits this transfer will bring to all and we would be happy to share this knowledge with others”.

For further information please do not hesitate to contact:

Austen Smyth, CEO, Email:  Tel: 0845 013 6304 

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