Fife Short Term Housing Support & Homelessness Services

In Glenrothes and North East Fife we offer people the opportunity to develop practical skills and abilities for independent living. You could be eligible for this support whether you own your home or rent from a landlord.

As part of this service we can help you get in touch with the right people and provide support and help with many tasks including:

  • Debt
  • Budgeting
  • Healthy living
  • Household skills
  • Community awareness
  • Personal safety
  • Access to education, training and employment opportunities


Fife’s Short Term Housing Support & Homeless Services Public Social Partnership (PSP) officially came into being on 1st April 2016. The PSP has 12 partners - 11 of these partners work together to deliver homelessness services (Prevention First Services, Short Term Housing Support and Temporary Accommodation) to people throughout Fife who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Fife Council are also a partner and commission the delivery of the services by the PSP.

What Type of Services does the PSP Provide?

Visiting Support – helping support people who live in their own home or in supported accommodation to maintain their tenancy.

Prevention First Services – a range of client support services aimed at preventing people becoming homeless (for instance Triage, Crisis, Housing Options Interviews,  Housing Advice, Fife Keyfund, Tenancy Share Scheme and more). 

Temporary Accommodation - other agencies in the PSP partnership may be able to help you with temporary accommodation for homeless people as this is not provided by The Richmond Fellowship Scotland in Fife.

PSP Purpose

The PSP’s overarching purpose/remit is:

“Working in partnership with like-minded organisations to deliver in dynamic and inspiring ways, efficient high quality housing support and homelessness services which meet the needs of people in Fife.”

For more information: 

Don Fraser (Glenrothes): 01592 774967

Tina Campbell (Kirkcaldy): 01592 774967 

John Macdonald (North East Fife and Levenmouth): 01334657517

Or email us at