'I am a family member or carer' news stories:
9 June 2014
Announcing the Bankieswealth Games 2014!
To commemorate the Commonwealth Games coming to Glasgow, the Clydebank Mental Health Team decided it would be a great idea to hold our own version of the ‘GAMES’ on Friday 11th July between 1pm - 4pm.
3 June 2014
Inverness hosts successful Participatory Budget event
The North Region held another successful Participatory Budget event, this time in Inverness. Over 50 people attended for afternoon tea and to help us select the winning bids using a unique clapometer.
30 May 2014
Sheriff Park Fundraiser a Great Success
The Sheriff Park service held a social night at Fernhill Community Centre on 3rd May to raise funds to develop our back garden area. This was a great success and we raised £1,126.68 – an amount way beyond our expectations!
29 May 2014
New Cycling Group in Ayr
The new cycling group in Ayr enjoyed its first cycle trip on Friday 23 May 2014.
19 May 2014
Mental Health Awareness Week 2014: Useful Links
Now it is the end of Mental Health Awareness Week, here is a quick burst of seven links from NHS Choices to help you with your mental health:
13 May 2014
TRFS wins BILD Leadership Award
At the recent BILD Positive Behaviour Support International Conference, our Positive Behaviour Support Team received the BILD Leadership Award for Innovative Practice in Positive Behaviour Support. The award was received for our Positive Pathways programm
8 May 2014
Mental Health Awareness Week 12-18 May
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland have organised a variety of events for Mental Health Awareness Week 12-18 May for Staff, People We Support and the general public. Have a look and feel free to join us if you're interested.
2 May 2014
Top grades two years in a row for Stationbrae!
Richmond Fellowship Scotland's respite service in Station Brae has been awarded top grades by the Care Inspectorate for two years in a row.
30 April 2014
External Stakeholder Survey Results Published
The third national survey with our external stakeholders has been published with extremely positive results
24 April 2014
Family Fun Day in Hamilton
We are having a Family Fun Day at Hamilton Palace Sports Ground on Sunday 1st June between 2pm and 5pm.